Identity Recovery & Restoration Service
$25,000.00 Identity Theft Insurance
Internet Black Market Monitoring
Lost Wallet Service
About us
It is our promise to provide the most trusted suite of identity theftprevention and response products available! You and your family’sprivacy and protection is our #1 priority!
Identity theft has become a crime of epidemic proportions. Over thelast five years, this crime has impacted over 27 million Americans. Lastyear alone, identity theft affected an estimated 10 millions Americansresulting in losses of over $53 billion.
We are certain you will be more than satisfied with our services. Feelfree to contact us if we can be of any assistance to you or yourfamily.
Stay Safe,Secured Id usa
Stop Identity Theft Now!
Identity theft has become a crime of epidemic proportions. Over the last five years, this crime has impacted over 27 million Americans. Last year alone, identity theft affected an estimated 10 millions Americans resulting in losses of over $53 billion. Don’t let yourself become a victim of this crime. If a thief assumes your identity, it can take about nine months to discover. Not to mention, it can take approximately 300 hours and up to 44 months to correct the associated problems…
So We Bring You
Restoration Service and $25K ID Theft Insurance
Our Feature Services
Fully-Managed Identity Restoration and Vitctim Recovery Services
Dark Web Breach and Internet Black Market Monitoring
Monitors for breached and stolen information from multiple sources of public and private data breaches and personal info on black market and dark web sites, hacker forums, chat and discussion areas.
Lost Wallet Service
If a customer’s wallet or purse is lost or stolen we will help identify the lost cards and documents and assist with getting them canceled and replaced as quickly as possible through our 24/7/365 Identity Theft Response Center.
ID Theft Insurance
We include a group ID Theft policy* from AIG that provides $25,000.00 of Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement insurance from AIG (see your plan details for exact coverage amounts and limitations) that can reimburse you for approved covered expenses like notary charges, certified mail charges, lost wages, loan application fees for reapplying for loans impacted by identity theft, and reasonable approved attorney fees.*
Restoration Services
Should you become a victim of identity theft, Secured ID 24/7/365 Identity Theft Response Center will answer your call for help and get you assigned to a dedicated victim recovery expert to help get you back to pre-victim status. Through a limited power of attorney, our highly trained and certified recovery experts will do everything we can to handle your recovery for you. Saving you time and giving you peace of mind.
Identity Restoration
Secured ID aids in the recovery process in two ways. We can either assist victims in the resolution process or completely do it for them.If consumers simply want assistance, we provide a systematic instruction manually detailing the resolution process, including
Identity Insurance Information
This Summary is provided to inform you that as a member you are entitled benefits under the Master Policy referenced below. This Summary Description of Benefits does not state all the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the Policy.
Fast Facts About ID Theft
Victims who discovered identity theft in the early stages-within the first month – spent fewer than 10 hours resolving the related problems. ( Source: U.S. Federal Trade Commission statistics, 2004.).only one on 10 victims report they were aware that ..
Identity Theft News
contact information
Company Name :-Secured ID
Contact Number:- 8002467804
Dear Member, you will receive a text or email notification 48 hours prior to your monthly bill date. If you do not wish to continue with your enrollment, you may call our customer service line 800-246-7804 or click on the cancel tab located at the right top hand corner of this page and submit your request